Date converter

English to Nepali and Nepali to English Date Converter

English to Nepali or Nepali to English Date Converter

The Nepali Date Converter, also known as the Miti Pariwartan tool, allows for the seamless conversion between Nepali (Bikram Sambat, BS) dates and English (Gregorian, AD) dates. With the ability to convert Nepali dates ranging from 1978 BS to 2099 BS and English dates ranging from 1921 AD to 2040 AD, this tool proves to be invaluable for various purposes such as translating dates of birth, historical Nepali events, passport and visa dates, and dates in document translations. Make use of this efficient tool to effortlessly convert Nepali dates to English dates and vice versa.

How to use it?

To use the English to Nepali or Nepali to English date converter, just do these things:

  1. Click the toggle/switch button for conversion between Nepali Dates and English Dates.
  2. Select the year, month and day of your choice.
  3. Click the button (Convert).

Then, the tool will convert your date into a required date type. It's really easy!