
Encode or decode data in Base64 format, a widely used method for representing binary data in a text format.

Base64 Encode And Base64 Decode

The base64 converter is a tool that makes it easy for people to change base64 data. You can use it to turn text into base64 code, or to turn base64 code back into text. It's simple and fast!

What is Base64?

Base64 is a binary-to-text encoding scheme that represents binary data in an ASCII string format. It is used to transmit binary data over channels that are designed to handle only textual data. The name "Base64" comes from the fact that each encoded character represents 6 bits of the original binary data, which can be thought of as a base-64 number.

In the Base64 encoding scheme, each 3 bytes of binary data are represented by 4 characters of the encoded string. The characters used in the encoded string are typically A-Z, a-z, 0-9, +, and /, with = used as a padding character.

Here's an example of how Base64 encoding works:

Let's say we have a binary data stream of 24 bits (3 bytes) represented as 011000010110001001100011. We can split this into 4 groups of 6 bits: 011000 010110 001001 100011. We can then convert each group of 6 bits into a decimal number, which gives us 24, 22, 9, and 35. We can then use these decimal numbers as indices into a table of 64 characters, which gives us the encoded string: YmM5.

To decode the Base64-encoded string, we reverse the process. We first convert each character of the string back into its corresponding decimal value using the table of 64 characters. We then combine the 4 groups of decimal values to form the original binary data stream, which in this case would be 011000010110001001100011.

Base64 encoding is commonly used in email attachments, data transmission over HTTP, and in encryption algorithms. It is also used in web development for storing images and other binary data in a format that can be easily transmitted over the internet.

How to use it?

To use the base64 translator, just do these things:

  1. Put your text in the box or copy and paste it there.
  2. Click the button(Encode/Decode) you want.

Then, the tool will change your text into a base64 or change the code back to your original text. It's really easy!